Adolescents’ Functional Numeracy Is Predicted by Their School Entry Number System Knowledge
in five adults in the United States is functionally innumerate; they do
not possess the mathematical competencies needed for many modern jobs.
We administered functional numeracy measures used in studies of young
adults’ employability and wages to 180 thirteen-year-olds. The
adolescents began the study in kindergarten and participated in multiple
assessments of intelligence, working memory, mathematical cognition,
achievement, and in-class attentive behavior. Their number system
knowledge at the beginning of first grade was defined by measures that
assessed knowledge of the systematic relations among Arabic numerals and
skill at using this knowledge to solve arithmetic problems. Early
number system knowledge predicted functional numeracy more than six
years later (ß = 0.195, p = .0014) controlling for intelligence, working
memory, in-class attentive behavior, mathematical achievement,
demographic and other factors, but skill at using counting procedures to
solve arithmetic problems did not. In all, we identified specific
beginning of schooling numerical knowledge that contributes to
individual differences in adolescents’ functional numeracy and
demonstrated that performance on mathematical achievement tests
underestimates the importance of this early knowledge.
Citation: Geary DC, Hoard
MK, Nugent L, Bailey DH (2013) Adolescents’ Functional Numeracy Is
Predicted by Their School Entry Number System Knowledge. PLoS ONE 8(1):
Editor: Frank Krueger, George Mason University/Krasnow Institute for Advanced Study, United States of America
Received: October 11, 2012; Accepted: December 13, 2012; Published: January 30, 2013
Copyright: © 2013 Geary et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Funding: The project was supported by grant R37 HD045914 from the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.
Competing interests: The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
The same analyses were conducted for each of the four tests that composed the functional numeracy composite (Table S4 in File S1).
The counting competence variable was never significant (ßs = −0.091 to
0.124, ps>.12) and the number system knowledge variable was always
significant (ßs = 0.246 to 0.348, ps<.014).
Editor: Frank Krueger, George Mason University/Krasnow Institute for Advanced Study, United States of America
Received: October 11, 2012; Accepted: December 13, 2012; Published: January 30, 2013
Copyright: © 2013 Geary et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Funding: The project was supported by grant R37 HD045914 from the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.
Competing interests: The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
A substantial number of adults have not mastered the mathematics expected of an eighth grader (22% in the U.S.) [1],
making them functionally innumerate. They are not qualified for many
jobs in today’s economy and have difficulty with now routine
quantitative tasks [2].
Measures used in these economic studies typically include word problems
that require whole number arithmetic, fractions, simple algebra, and
measurement, with performance on these tests predicting employability
and wages in adulthood, controlling for other factors [2]–[6].
Although items on numeracy measures overlap those on mathematics
achievement tests, they are not entirely the same. Achievement tests
include items that cover a broad range of mathematical content, whereas
the functional numeracy measures provide a more focused assessment of
mathematical competencies that influence economic opportunity and other
real-world outcomes [7].
identification and remediation of knowledge deficits that predict
long-term risk of innumeracy thus have the potential to yield
substantial social and personal benefits [7].
Previous studies revealed that some aspects of young children’s basic
knowledge of counting, numbers, and simple arithmetic predicts later
mathematics achievement; specifically, skill at judging the relative
magnitudes of Arabic numerals, the sophistication of the approaches they
use to solve arithmetic problems, and an understanding of the
mathematical number line [8]–[13].
Other studies suggest that sensitivity to the magnitudes of collections
of objects may also contribute to mathematics achievement [14].
None of these studies provided an assessment of the relation between
these basic quantitative competencies and later performance on
functional numeracy measures. Moreover, studies showing that mathematics
achievement in kindergarten predicts mathematics achievement throughout
schooling [15]
did not included measures that allowed for identification of the
specific basic quantitative competencies that are critical for
mathematics learning and those that are less central.
part of a kindergarten to ninth grade longitudinal study of children’s
mathematical development, in seventh grade we administered tests that
are similar [2] or nearly identical [3]
to the functional numeracy tests used in labor economic studies.
Seventh graders of course are not ready for the workforce, but this
assessment gauges their progress toward this critical end. The goal was
to identify the key beginning of schooling basic quantitative
competencies that contribute to seventh grade performance on these
economically-relevant numeracy tests, while controlling for
intelligence, working memory, in-class attentive behavior, and
demographic factors that are predictive of mathematics learning and
achievement [16], [17].
Materials and Methods
Ethics Statement
study was reviewed and approved by the Institutional Review Board of
the University of Missouri. Written consent was obtained from all
parents, and all participants provided verbal assent for all
The data are from a prospective longitudinal study of children’s mathematical development and risk of learning disability [18].
All kindergarten children from 12 elementary schools that serve
families from a wide range of socioeconomic backgrounds were invited to
participate. Parental consent and child assent were received for 37% (N =
311) of these children and 288 of them completed all or nearly all of
the first year measures and 1 other child completed a subset of the
measures (see [19]).
The current analyses are based on 180 children (96 girls) who began the
study in kindergarten and completed the functional numeracy testing in
seventh grade. Across the seven years of data analyzed here, 4.7% of the
observations were missing. Missing observations were estimated (maximum
likelihood estimates with 5 imputations) using the multiple imputations
program of SAS [20].
the end of first grade, the intelligence of the sample was average (M =
102, SD = 15), based on the Wechsler Abbreviated Scale of Intelligence
(WASI) [21].
At the end of kindergarten, the mathematics achievement of the sample
was average (M = 102, SD = 13), but their reading achievement was high
average (M = 112, SD = 14). At the end of seventh grade, mean
mathematics (M = 95, SD = 19) and reading (M = 101, SD = 12) achievement
were average [22].
intelligence of the 109 children who did not participate in the seventh
grade assessment was average (M = 94, SD = 15), but lower than that of
the final sample (p<.0001). Their kindergarten mathematics
achievement was average (M = 99, SD = 14) but slightly (d = .22) lower
than that of the final sample (p = .01). Their reading achievement was
high average (M = 110, SD = 16) and did not differ from that of the
final sample (p = .16). The group differences, favoring the final
sample, in intelligence and kindergarten mathematics achievement suggest
that the results obtained in these analyses may be an underestimate of
the actual relation between beginning of first grade early quantitative
competencies assessed by mathematical cognition tasks (below) and
seventh grade functional numeracy.
mean age at the time of the first grade mathematical cognition
assessment was 6.8 years (SD = 4 months) and 13.0 years (SD = 4 months)
at the time of the seventh grade numeracy assessment. The racial
composition was white (77%), Asian (5%), black (5%), and mixed race
(8%), with the parents of the remaining children identifying them as
Native American, Pacific Islander, or unknown. Across racial categories,
4% of the sample identified as ethnically Hispanic. Thirty-four percent
of the children attending the schools from which the sample was drawn
were eligible for free or reduced price lunches.
Standardized Measures
The tests were the Colored Progressive Matrixes [23]
(M = 102, SD = 14), and the Vocabulary and Matrix Reasoning subtests of
the WASI (M = 102, SD = 15). The score used in the analyses was the
mean of these two tests (M = 102, SD = 13, α = .76).
and reading achievement were assessed using the Numerical Operations
and Word Reading subtests from the Wechsler Individual Achievement
Test-II-Abbreviated [22].
Mathematical Cognition Predictors
Addition strategy choices.
simple addition problems and six more complex problems were
horizontally presented, one at a time, on flash cards in first grade and
on the screen of a laptop computer thereafter. The simple problems
consisted of the integers 2 through 9, with the constraint that the same
two integers (e.g., 2+2) were never used in the same problem; ½ of the
problems summed to 10 or less and the smaller valued addend appeared in
the first position for ½ of the problems. The complex items were 16+7,
3+18, 9+15, 17+4, 6+19, and 14+8.
child was asked to solve each problem (without pencil and paper) as
quickly as possible without making too many mistakes. It was emphasized
that the child could use whatever strategy was easiest to get the
answer, and to speak the answer; from second grade forward, the answer
was spoken into a voice activated microphone that recorded reaction time
(RT) from problem onset. After solving each problem the child was asked
to describe how they got the answer. Based on the child’s description
and the experimenter’s observations, the trial was classified based on
problem solving strategy. The four most common strategies were counting
fingers, verbal counting, retrieval (quickly stating an answer and
describing they “just remembered”), and decomposition (describing that
they solved the problem by decomposing one addend and successively
adding these smaller sets to the other addend; e.g., 17+8 = 17+3+5).
Counting trials were further classified as min (stating the larger
valued addend and counting the smaller one), sum (counting both addends
starting from one), or max (stating the value of the smaller addend and
then counting the larger one). The combination of experimenter
observation and child reports immediately after each problem is solved
has proven to be a useful measure of children’s strategy choices [24], [25].
The validity of this information is supported by previous studies that
have demonstrated RT patterns vary systematically across strategies;
finger-counting trials have the longest RTs, followed respectively by
verbal counting, decomposition, and direct retrieval [25], [26].
variables used here were the frequency with which min counting was
correctly used to solve the simple problems and the more complex
problems. The frequency of correctly retrieving the answers was also
used for simple problems, and the frequency with which decomposition was
correctly used for complex problems (Table 1).
Number sets.
types of stimuli were used: objects (e.g., stars) in a 1/2′′ square and
an Arabic numeral (18 pt font) in a 1/2′′ square. Stimuli are joined in
domino-like rectangles with different combinations of objects and
numerals (Figure 1).
These dominos are presented in lines of 5 across a page. The last two
lines of the page show three 3-square dominos. Target numbers (5 or 9)
are shown in large font at the top the page. On each of two pages for
each target number, 18 items match the target; 12 are larger than the
target; 6 are smaller than the target; and 6 contain 0 or an empty
The tester began by explaining two
items that matched a target sum of 4; then, used the target sum of 3
for practice. The measure was then administered. The child was told to
move across each line of the page from left to right without skipping
any; to “circle any groups that can be put together to make the top
number, 5 (9)”; and to “work as fast as you can without making many
mistakes.” The child had 60 sec per page for the target 5; 90 sec per
page for the target 9. Time limits were chosen to avoid ceiling effects
and to assess fluent recognition and manipulation of quantities
associated with collections of objects and Arabic numerals. Performance
is consistent across target number and item content (e.g., whether the
rectangle included Arabic numerals or objects) and thus these were
combined to create an overall frequency of hits (α = .88), correct
rejections (α = .85), misses (α = .70), and false alarms (α = .90) [27].
The variable used here was based on the signal detection d-prime
measure; specifically, (standardized hits – standardized false alarms) [28].
first grade, some of the children completed all items in less than the
maximum times (120 and 180 sec for targets of 5 and 9, respectively) and
thus their scores were adjusted upwards; specifically, (hits – false
alarms)×(maximum RT/actual RT). The adjustment enabled us to maintain
the sensitivity of the test, despite faster processing times across
Number line estimation.
series of twenty-four 25 cm number lines containing a blank line with
two endpoints (0 and 100) was presented, one at a time, to the child
with a target number (e.g., 45) in a large font printed above the line.
The child’s task was to mark the line where the target number (using
pencil and paper in first grade and a laptop and mouse thereafter)
should lie [29]. We used absolute accuracy in these analyses, because this is correlated with mathematics achievement [10], [29], [30].
Accuracy is defined as the absolute difference between the child’s
placement and the correct position of the number (e.g., for the number
45, placements of 35 and 55 produce difference scores of 10). The
overall score is the mean of these differences across the 24 trials.
The mechanisms that support children’s learning of the mathematical number line are debated [31]–[33].
Whatever the mechanisms, the key for academic mathematics is the
insight that the distance between two consecutive whole numbers is the
same, regardless of position on the line, that is, the line is linear.
The extent to which children’s placements respect this linearity will be
reflected in their absolute error on this task.
Factor analysis.
The six mathematical cognition variables listed in Table 1 were submitted to a principal components factor analysis, with promax rotation [20], [34].
Two factors yielded Eigenvalues >1.0 (i.e., values of 2.6, 1.8) and
in combination explained 73% of the covariation among the variables; the
factors were not correlated (r = .12, p = .1112). The first factor,
Counting Competence, was defined by the two min counting variables and
the second by the four remaining variables (Table S1 in File S1).
The number sets fluency variable loaded equally well on both factors.
This may reflect the use of counting the collections of objects to solve
some items and use of an understanding of magnitude to solve others.
Because the number sets variable was strongly correlated with the number
line variable (r = −.64, p = .0001; the correlation is negative because
smaller errors on the number line task indicates better performance)
and given the clear importance of the counting variables for defining
the Counting Competence factor, the number sets variable was included as
part of the Number System Knowledge factor. Composites were created by
taking the standardized (M = 0, SD = 1) mean of the associated
variables; α = .84 and.73 for the Counting Competence and Number system
knowledge variables, respectively.
Working Memory Predictors
The Working Memory Test Battery for Children (WMTB-C) [35]
consists of nine subtests assessing the three core components of
working memory (see Method and Materials in SI). The mean of the total
scores for the corresponding subtests were used for the central
executive (α = .75,.69 for first and fifth grade, respectively),
phonological loop (α = .80,.78), and visuospatial sketch pad (α =
In-Class Attentive Behavior Predictor
The Strength and Weaknesses of ADHD–symptoms and normal-behavior (SWAN) was used as the measure of in-class attentive behavior [36].
The items assess attentional deficits and hyperactivity but the scores
are normally distributed, based on the behavior of a typical child in
the classroom. The nine item (e.g., “Gives close attention to detail and
avoids careless mistakes”) measure was distributed to the children’s
second, third, and fourth grade teachers who were asked to rate the
behavior of the child relative to other children of the same age on a 1
(far below) to 7 (far above) scale. At least one rating was available
for 150 participants and multiple ratings were available for 120 to 125
participants. For the latter, the ratings were highly correlated across
teachers, rs = .71 to.75 (ps<.0001), and thus we used the mean of
available ratings (α = .88); missing data for the remaining 30
participants were imputed.
Control Variables
six control variables were sex, race, first grade school site,
beginning of first grade speed of Arabic numeral encoding and
articulation, and raw kindergarten Numerical Operations and Word Reading
scores. The race variable provided separate contrasts of White children
with Black children, White children with Asian children, and White
children with all remaining children. The estimates for the race
contrasts need to be interpreted with caution, given the small sample
size for some of the contrasts (see Control Variables in SI). Their
inclusion is important nonetheless as a control variable.
Functional Numeracy Outcomes
The measures were selected based on labor economic studies of employability, wages, and related outcomes in adulthood [2]–[6] (see Method and Materials in SI).
Arithmetical word problems.
in solving multi-step word problems was assessed using the first form
(15 items) of the Arithmetic Aptitude Test from the Educational Testing
Service (ETS) kit of factor-referenced tests [37].
The score was the number of items solved correctly minus a fraction of
the number of items solved incorrectly to control for guessing. The test
has acceptable reliability estimates for adolescents (α = .61–.79) [38].
Computational arithmetic.
The first form of three tests from the ETS kit [37]
were used: Addition, (e.g., 12+42+53), Subtraction and Multiplication
(e.g., 83−57; 85×6), and Division (e.g., 728÷8). For each test, the
score was the number of problems solved correctly in 2 min. Performance
across tests was highly correlated (rs = .61 to.77, ps<.0001) and
thus scores were summed to create a composite, Arithmetic Computations
measure (α = .88).
Computational fractions.
Based on Hecht [39],
three tests were used; Addition (e.g., 2 ¼+¼), Multiplication (e.g.,
¼×1/8), and Division (e.g., 1/3÷1/6). For each test, the score was the
number of problems solved correctly in 1 min.
mean score for the division test was 1.4 (SD = 2.5) problems solved
correctly and the median was 0 (75% of the participants did not solve a
single problem correctly), a pattern of very low performance that was
also found by Siegler et al. [40]
for a nationally representative sample of U.S. students. The mean score
for multiplication was 2.4 (SD = 2.9) and the median was 1 (none of the
students below the median solved any problems correctly). Based on the
low variation for multiplication and division, and their low correlation
with the addition scores (rs = .24,.35, respectively), these measures
were dropped. The mean for addition was 6.4 (SD = 3.7) and the median
was 6 (90% of the participants correctly solved at least one problem).
Fractions comparison test.
test is composed of 16 pairs of fractions and was developed based on
children’s common problem solving errors or the strategies they use when
solving fractions problems [39], [41].
For each pair the child is asked to circle the larger of the two
fractions and is given 120 sec to complete the test. The pairs vary in
terms of the relations among the numerators and denominators (four items
for each type). In the first type the numerator is constant but the
denominator differs (e.g., 2/4 2/5), which assesses children’s
understanding of the inverse relation between the value of the
denominator and the quantity represented by the fraction. The larger
fraction will have the smaller denominator. In the second type
numerators have a ratio of 1.5 and denominators a ratio between 1.1 and
1.25 (e.g., 3/10 2/12), making identification of the larger magnitude
easier using numerators (larger value is correct), whereas focus on the
denominators will result in errors (larger value is incorrect). The
ratios were determined based on the Weber fraction for ease of magnitude
discrimination for adolescents [42].
In the third type numerators and denominators are reversed (e.g., 5/6
6/5), which requires children to choose the fraction with the larger
numerator and smaller denominator. The final type involves skill at
using ½ as an anchor for estimating fraction values (e.g., 20/40 8/9).
The foils are always close to one but contain smaller numerals than the ½
fraction. A child who understands fractions should be able to quickly
determine that one fraction equals ½ and the other fraction is close to
one and thus choose the latter. A child who focuses on absolute
magnitude of the numbers that compose the fractions will choose the ½
fractions and thus commit errors.
were scored as hits (coded 1) or misses (coded −1). Hits were
significantly correlated across the four problem types (rs = .39 to.74,
ps<.0001) and thus summed to create a total hits variable (α = .81).
Misses were also significantly correlated (rs = .36 to.74, p<.0001)
and summed (α = .79). The fractions comparison score was hits minus
misses. The validity of the measure was demonstrated by showing that
scores predict one year gains in mathematics achievement, controlling
for previous mathematics achievement, intelligence, and working memory [43].
Factor analysis.
four word problem, computational arithmetic, and fractions measures
were submitted to a principal components factor analysis, which yielded a
single factor (Eigenvalue = 2.6) that explained 66% of the covariation
among the variables (factor loadings >.76). A Functional Numeracy
composite was created by taking the standardized mean of the four
variables (α = .83).
CPM and WASI were administered in the spring of kindergarten and first
grade, respectively, and the achievement tests were administered every
spring beginning in kindergarten. The mathematical cognition tasks were
administered once a year, beginning in the fall of first grade. The
WMTC-B was administered in first (M = 84 months, SD = 6) and fifth (M =
128 months, SD = 5) grades (Table S2 in File S1).
The numeracy tests were generally administered to groups of about 5 to
20 between the fall and spring seventh grade assessments.
First Grade Number System Knowledge Predicts Seventh Grade Functional Numeracy
scores on the functional numeracy measure were significantly correlated
with their beginning of first grade counting competence (r = .31,
p<.0001) and number system knowledge (r = 0.69, p<.0001) scores
(Table S3 in File S1).
Regression analyses indicated that scores on the number system
knowledge variable remained predictive of functional numeracy (ß =
0.287, p<.0001), with simultaneous estimation of the control,
intelligence, working memory, and in-class attentive behavior variables (Table 2).
In contrast, counting competence did not predict functional numeracy (p
= .40), when all other variables were included in the regression
Achievement Tests Underestimate Numeracy Deficits
grade mathematics achievement and functional numeracy scores were
significantly correlated, r = .79, p<.0001, but less so once fifth
grade working memory (the assessment closest to seventh grade),
intelligence, and in-class attentive behavior were controlled, pr = .50,
p<.0001. At noted earlier, the functional numeracy measures have
been shown to be predictive of important life outcomes in adults [2].
However, if achievement tests predict outcomes in adulthood as well as
functional numeracy tests or if the number system knowledge or counting
competence measures used in this study (or measures of any other early
core mathematics competence) predict later achievement as strongly as
they predict later numeracy, then the two types of measures are
interchangeable, that is, use of functional numeracy measures provides
no added utility beyond that provided by standard mathematics
achievement tests.
system knowledge remained predictive of functional numeracy, after
controlling for seventh grade mathematics achievement (ß = 0.195, p =
.0014; Table S5 in File S1),
but did not predict seventh grade mathematics achievement after
controlling for functional numeracy (ß = 0.014, p = .8760; Table S6 in File S1).
Logistic regression revealed a 1 SD
decrease in number system knowledge scores in first grade resulted in a
4.14 fold increase in the odds of scoring in the bottom quartile on the
functional numeracy measure in seventh grade [χ2(1) = 3.92, p = .0479, 95% confidence interval, 1.01–16.88], controlling for all variables in Table 2
and seventh grade mathematics achievement. In contrast, poor number
system knowledge scores did not predict the odds of being in the bottom
quartile of seventh grade mathematics achievement, controlling for all
variables in Table 2 and functional numeracy scores [odds = 1.28, χ2(1) = 0.19, p = .6664, 95% confidence interval, 0.42–3.90].
Growth in Number System Knowledge and Functional Numeracy
analyses thus far indicate that children who begin first grade with low
number system knowledge are at heightened risk for low functional
numeracy scores in seventh grade. As a follow up, we sought to determine
whether first-to-fifth grade growth in number system knowledge is also
related to functional numeracy in seventh grade.
measures that defined the Number System Knowledge factor were
administered in first through fifth grade, inclusive. A principle
components factor analysis, with promax rotation confirmed that the four
variables defined the same Number System Knowledge factor identified
for first grade in second to fifth grade, inclusive (Eigenvalues
>1.76, factor loaders>|.54|).
make each measure comparable to the others and across grades, the
associated scores were defined as the percentage of maximum possible
performance; specifically, for simple addition (number of problems
correctly retrieved/14), for complex addition (number of problems
correctly solved with decomposition/6), for Number Sets (RT adjusted
d-prime score/maximum score achieved in fifth grade across all
children), and number line [1– (mean error/50)]. Fifty was chosen for
the latter, because random placements would, on average, result in mean
errors of 50 on the 0-to-100 number line. A child making random
placements would thus have a score of 1–1, or 0 percent. The most
accurate child in our study had a mean error of 1.75 in fifth grade,
resulting in a score of 0.965.
who scored in the bottom quartile on the functional numeracy measure
had a lower number system knowledge start point and slower first to
fifth grade growth than children in the top and middle quartiles
(ps<.0803; Figure 2,
see Growth in Number System Knowledge in SI). The two latter groups
differed for start point (p = .0225), but not growth (ps>.5275). The
slow growth of the low group, however, was due entirely to group
differences in rate of improvement from first to second grade. From
second to fifth grade, the rate of improvement in number system
knowledge did not differ comparing any of the groups (ps>.3526).
results provide three key insights into children’s mathematical
development. The first is that some aspects of their school entry
quantitative knowledge, as measured by the mathematical cognition tasks,
contribute to long-term functional numeracy, controlling other factors
that affect learning, whereas other aspects of their knowledge do not.
Of particular importance were the competencies common to the measures
that defined the Number System Knowledge factor. All of these measures
require explicit processing of Arabic numerals and operating on them in
ways consistent with the logical, systematic relations among numerals.
At school entry, this emerging knowledge of the number system includes
an understanding of the relative magnitude of numerals, their ordering,
and the ability to combine and decompose them into smaller and larger
numerals and to use this knowledge to solve arithmetic problems. Whether
or not this explicit number system knowledge is dependent on a
potentially inherent sense of magnitude for its initial development [14] or develops independently [8], [44], [45] remains to be determined.
the same time, children’s skill at using counting procedures to solve
addition problems at the beginning of first grade was not predictive of
their later functional numeracy scores, holding other factors constant.
One potential reason for this is because children who begin school
behind their peers in the use of these counting procedures tend to catch
up with other children within one or two years [26].
It is very likely that competence at using more complex mathematical
procedures, as in borrowing or carrying to solve multi-column arithmetic
problems, contributes to functional numeracy. Indeed, functional
numeracy measures include problems that require use of these more
complex procedures.
second key finding is the previously noted relation between mathematics
achievement in kindergarten and mathematics achievement throughout
schooling [15]
may underestimate the long-term consequences of poor school entry
quantitative knowledge. The functional numeracy measures have been
validated through their ability to predict economic opportunity and
day-to-day competence with routine quantitative tasks [5], [7],
and school entry number system knowledge predicts functional numeracy,
even with the control of same-grade mathematics achievement. Critically,
number system knowledge does not predict mathematics achievement, once
functional numeracy is controlled. In short, the functional numeracy
assessment appears to capture individual differences in adolescents’
developing economically-relevant competencies above and beyond those
captured by standard mathematics achievement tests.
third key finding is that growth in number system knowledge is less
important for predicting functional numeracy than is school entry number
system knowledge. Children scoring in the bottom quartile on the
numeracy measure in seventh grade started school behind their peers in
number system knowledge and showed less rapid growth from first to
second grade, but typical growth thereafter. Future studies are needed
to determine how this early number system knowledge influences the
learning of more complex aspects of the number system (e.g., the base-10
organization), and how this influences emerging functional numeracy.
For now, the implication is that interventions to improve children’s
early understanding of the relations among numerals need to be
implemented before the start of schooling or in first grade, and
fortunately such interventions are being developed [46], [47].
Supporting Information
file contains: Method and Materials–provides detailed description of
the working memory and functional numeracy measures; Control
Variables–provides detailed description of the control variables; Table
S1–Standardized Factor Loadings for the Mathematical Cognition Measures
in First Grade; Table S2–Overall Design of the Missouri Study; Table
S3–Means and Correlations Among Variables. All variables were
standardized (M = 0, SD = 1) and analyzed in PROC GLM [20].
The data were also analyzed in PROC MIXED with maximum likelihood and
restricted maximum likelihood estimation of parameters, with the same
results; Table S4–Ordinary Least Squares Estimates (± standard errors)
for Prediction of Individual Measures that Composed the Functional.
Numeracy Composite. The full model R2s = .55,.59,.51, and.48
(ps<.0001) for the word problems, computational arithmetic,
computational fractions, and fractions concepts scores, respectively.
The school site contrasts are not shown and were not significant in any
equation (ps>0.08); Table S5–Ordinary Least Squares Estimates (±
standard errors) for Prediction of Adolescent Functional Numeracy
Controlling for Seventh Grade Mathematics Achievement. R2 = .78, F29,150
= 18.18, p<0001. The school site contrast is not shown and was not
significant (p = .43); Table S6–Ordinary Least Squares Estimates (±
standard errors) for Prediction of Seventh Grade Mathematics Achievement
Controlling for Functional Numeracy. R2 = .70, F29,150
= 12.18, p<.0001. The school site contrast is not shown and was not
significant (p = .69); Growth in Number System Knowledge–provides
detailed analyses on the creation of the across-grade Number System
Knowledge variable.
thank Linda Coutts, Chip Sharp, Jennifer Byrd-Craven, Chatty Numtee,
Amanda Shocklee, Sara Ensenberger, Kendra Andersen Cerveny, Rebecca
Hale, Patrick Maloney, Ashley Stickney, Nick Geary, Mary Lemp, Cy
Nadler, Mike Coutts, Katherine Waller, Rehab Mojid, Jasmine Tilghman,
Caitlin Cole, Leah Thomas, Erin Twellman, Patricia Hoard, Jonathan
Thacker, Alex Wilkerson, Stacey Jones, James Dent, Erin Willoughby,
Kelly Regan, Kristy Kuntz, Rachel Christensen, Jenni Hoffman, and
Stephen Cobb for help on various aspects of the project.
Author Contributions
and designed the experiments: DCG. Performed the experiments: MKH LN
DHB. Analyzed the data: DCG DHB. Wrote the paper: DCG MKH LN.
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