Professor of mathematics education, Cert Ed, BA Hons, PhD
Phone 0114 225 6017

Hilary is a professor of mathematics education and specialises in research into the social justice aspects of teaching and learning mathematics.

She was recently the international convenor of the International Organisation of Women and Mathematics Education (IOWME) and the treasurer of the British Society for Research into Learning Mathematics (BSRLM). She was invited to co-ordinate the Mathematics and Society group at the International Commission for Mathematics Instruction Centennial in Rome, 2008 and is a member of the HEI Liaison Committee of the National Centre for Excellence in the Teaching of Mathematics (NCETM).

Recent keynote lectures are the National Centre for Excellence in the Teaching of Mathematics (NCETM) conference (London, 2008), the seventh Nordic Women and Mathematics Conference (Gothenburg, June 2009), and the Mathematics Association Yorkshire and the Humber Mathematics Professional Development Day (March 2010). 

She is an advisory editor for Research in Mathematics Education and was recently a member of the Editorial Board of Gender and Education. She reviews extensively for a range of other research publications and for the ESRC and Leverhulme Trust research grants. She is also active in mathematics education professional work, including writing curriculum materials and for professional publications and organising the ATM All Attainment Working Group.

She was joint mathematics director of, and wrote for, the cre8ate maths project.

Recent research publications
'Telling stories about mathematics' (with Boylan, M) in Black, L, Mendick, H and Solomon, Y (eds) Mathematical Relationships in Education: Identities and Participation, New York: Routledge, 47 - 57, 2009

'Promoting equality: mathematics' (with Boylan, M) in Cole, M. (ed) Promoting Equality in Schools: The Later Years, London: Continuum, (2009) 

'Mathematics education and society: an overview' (with Zevenbergen, R) in M. Menghini, F. Furinghetti, L. Giacardi and F. Arzarello (eds.) The First Century of the International Commission on Mathematical Instruction (1908-2008): Reflecting and Shaping the World of Mathematics Education, Rome: Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana, 2008, 277-288

'Teacher as model learner', in 'for the learning of mathematics', 28 (3) 13, 2008
'Creating opportunities for authoritative knowing: some undergraduate experiences of mathematics assessment' (with Angier, C), Philosophy of Mathematics Education Journal, September, 2007

Research in Mathematics Education, Vol 9, (joint editor with Bills, L and Hodgen, J), British Society for Research into the Learning of Mathematics (BSRLM), 2007

'Storying Joanne, an undergraduate mathematician' (with Angier, C) in Gender and Education Vol 18, No 5, p459-471, September 2006 

Research in Mathematics Education, Vol 8, (joint editor with Noyes, A), British Society for Research into the Learning of Mathematics (BSRLM), 2006

'The assessment of undergraduate mathematicians: re-crafting assessment of learning to provide opportunities for assessment as learning', (with Angier, C) Proceedings of 30th Psychology of Mathematics Education (PME) Conference, Prague, July 2006, reprinted in MSOR Connections, the Newsletter of the Maths, Stats and OR Network of the Higher Education Academy, 6 (4) 43-47, 2006/7

'Learners as authors in the mathematics classroom' (joint author with Burton L and with Angier C and Boylan M) in Burton L (ed) Learning Mathematics, from Hierarchies to Networks, pp 232-245, London: Falmer, 1999, reprinted in Mason, J and Johnston-Wilder, S (eds) Fundamental Constructs in Mathematics Education, London: RoutledgeFalmer, 2004 

'Some undergraduates' experience of learning mathematics' (with Angier, C), Proceedings of 28th Psychology of Mathematics Education (PME) Conference, Bergen, July 2004

Research and consultancy projects
Assessing the Impact of the National Centre for Excellence in the Teaching of Mathematics (NCETM) on Teachers and Learners, 2009-2010

Collaborative Practice in Developing ICT Geometry Pedagogy, National Centre for Excellence in Teaching Mathematics (NCETM), 2006-2007

European Doctorate in Teacher Education (EDIL) Intensive Programme for Social Inclusion, European Union (EU), 2003-2005

On-line Continuing Professional Development: Numeracy and Literacy Strategies, Department for Education and Skills (DfES), 2002

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